Jamaal Adwadh has joined ZF Devco as Project Manager
ZF Devco BV welcomes our new Project Manager, Mr. Jamaal Awadh.
Jamaal brings a wealth of experience in project management, leadership, and building surveying. With over 30 years of experience in International Project Management and Building Surveying, Jamaal’s expertise in development and construction will be invaluable as we continue to develop and realize the new Zanzibar Passenger and RoRo Ferry Terminal Masterplan.
ZF Devco’s Board of Directors appoints Jamaal to oversee and coordinate all aspects of the Zanzibar Passenger and RoRo Ferry Terminal Masterplan, from initiation to execution and completion.
Prior to ZF Devco, Jamaal was the Managing Director at ABS (Awadh Building Surveyors) – focusing on Building Surveying and Project management throughout Tanzania and the Zanzibar Isles. His clients included the Investment Corporation of Dubai, Ithra Dubai, The Bakhresa Group (Azam), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), The Aga Khan Foundation, and other diverse industries including insurance brokers, hospitality operators, and real estate.
We are thrilled to have Jamaal on board at ZF Devco as we kick off the project's construction phase.